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Alabama Professional Legal Services

Business Dissolution

Business Dissolution Lawyers of Calhoun County, Alabama

The attorneys of Adams, Turner & Miller, LLC assist the owners of existing companies in the dissolution of their businesses. When a business is formed in the state of Alabama, a legal entity is created. Consequently, it’s not enough to close the doors, terminate the lease, and walk away. The business structure itself must be dissolved. Our attorneys have assisted the management and owners of numerous companies around East Alabama in the liquidation and dissolution of their businesses. Contact our Anniston office to discuss the steps that need to be taken to close your business practice.

Dissolution of Businesses in the State of Alabama

Businesses dissolve their structures for a variety of reasons. The most common of these is that the company is no longer financially viable. However, the attorneys of Adams, Turner & Miller, LLC also help the management and owners of Alabama businesses dissolve their structures when:

  • A partner leaves or dies and a new structure is required
  • The owner(s) sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or LLP decide to incorporate
  • A majority shareholder decides that he or she wants to unincorporate
  • A partner wants to divest himself or herself from the business
  • The current structure of the business no longer provides the optimal tax scenario
  • Two businesses merge and the ownership decides to dissolve one of the structures

Whatever the reason for the dissolution of the existing business or business structure, the attorneys of Anniston’s Adams, Turner & Miller can assist in making the transition a smooth one. Contact our Calhoun County office today to discuss your options.

Professional Business Structure Attorneys of AL

The corporate law attorneys of Adams, Turner & Miller, LLC of eastern Alabama are familiar with state and federal law affecting business formation and dissolution. We are able to assist in the formation, modification, and dissolution of business enterprises. In some cases, our attorneys have been able to recommend alternative structures that help allay the concerns of management and owners.

If you are the owner or manager of a business in East Alabama, and you need the advice of a business dissolution attorney, call our Anniston, AL law office at (256) 235-1901 to schedule an initial consultation.